- Devriese, S. G. R., 2016, Detecting and imaging time-lapse conductivity changes using electromagnetic methods, PhD thesis: University of British Columbia.
Journal publications
Abedi, M., D. Fournier, S. Devriese, and D. W. Oldenburg, submitted, Integrated inversion of airborne geophysics over a structural geological unit: a case study for delineation of a porphyry copper zone in Iran, Journal of Applied Geophysics.
Abedi, M., D. Fournier, S. Devriese, and D. W. Oldenburg, submitted, Inversion of airborne geophysics over a structural geological unit, Kalat-e-Reshm prospect zone, Iran, Journal of Applied Geophysics.
Abedi, M., D. Fournier, S. Devriese, and D. W. Oldenburg, submitted, Potential field signatures along the Zagros collision zone in Iran, Tectonophysics.
Devriese, S. G. R., K. Davis, and D. W. Oldenburg, 2017, Inversion of airborne geophysics over the Tli Kwi Cho kimberlite complex, Part I: Potential fields, Interpretation, 5, T299-T311.
Devriese, S. G. R., and D. W. Oldenburg, 2016, Feasibility of electromagnetic methods to detect and image steam-assisted gravity drainage steam chambers, Geophysics, 81, E227-E241.
Devriese, S. G. R., and D. W. Oldenburg, 2015, Imaging SAGD Steam Chambers: Traditional ERT vs Broadband Electromagnetic Methods, CSEG Recorder, 40, 16-20.
Li, Y., S. G. R. Devriese, R. Krahenbuhl, and K. Davis, 2013, Enhancement of UXO magnetic data using stable downward continuation, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 51, 3605-3614.
Conference abstracts
Lauer, R., L. R. Bentley, S. Devriese, D. Oldenburg, M. Law, and D. Kent-O’Donnel, 2017, Report of findings from ground-based geophysical surveys of the Sylvan Lake field-site, Alberta: Alberta Geologic Survey Report.
Devriese, S. G. R. and D. W. Oldenburg, 2017, Electromagnetic methods for oil sands characterization and monitoring: accepted for Exploration ‘17.
Lauer, R., L. R. Bentley, B. Smerdon, S. G. R. Devriese, D. A. Kent-O’Donnel, and M. D. Law, 2017, Investigating the utility of airborne electromagnetic surveys for mapping local and regional hydrogeology in the Edmonton-Calgary corridor: accepted for IAH Regional Groundwater Symposium
Devriese, S. G. R. and D. W. Oldenburg, 2016, From exploration to reclamation: Using EM methods at SAGD sites in the Athabasca oil sands: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 965-970.
Devriese, S. G. R. and D. W. Oldenburg, 2016, Application of sensitivity analysis in DC resistivity of SAGD steam chambers: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 937-941.
Devriese, S. G. R. and D. W. Oldenburg, 2015, Time-lapse three-dimensional electromagnetic inversion of growth-impeded SAGD steam chambers: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2842-2847.
Devriese, S. G. R. and D. W. Oldenburg, 2014, Enhanced imaging of SAGD steam chamber using broadband electromagnetic surveying: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 765-769.
Devriese, S. G. R., N. Corcoran, D. Cowan, K. Davis, D. Bild-Enkin, D. Fournier, L. Heagy, S. Kang, D. Marchant, M. S. McMillan, M. Mitchell, G. Rosenkjar, D. Yang, and D. W. Oldenburg, 2014, Magnetic inversion of three airborne data sets over the Tli Kwi Cho kimberlite complex: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 1790-1794.
Fournier, D., L. Heagy, N. Corcoran, D. Cowan, S. G. R. Devriese, D. Bild-Enkin, K. Davis, S. Kang, D. Marchant, M. S. McMillan, M. Mitchell, G. Rosenkjar, D. Yang, and D. W. Oldenburg, 2014, Multi-EM systems inversion - Towards a common conductivity model for the Tli Kwi Cho complex: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 1795-1977.
Devriese, S. G. R., D. W. Oldenburg, and S. Charles, 2014, Using Electromagnetic Methods to Image SAGD Steam Chambers: 2014 CSEP CSPG CWLS Conference (Geoconvention).
Devriese, S. G. R., D. W. Oldenburg, J. Shoffner, 2012, Three-Dimensional Inversion of ZTEM Data at the Elevenmile Canyon Geothermal System, Nevada, GRC Transactions, 36.
Mitchell, M. A., S. G. R. Devriese, R.N. Frary, 2010, Archaeological investigations using geophysics at the Chimney Rock Great House: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 3784-3788.
Li, Y. and S. Devriese, 2009, Enhancement of magnetic data by stable downward continuation for UXO applications: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 1464-1468.